It's Not The Nicotine! A New Understanding of Addiction and How to Eliminate Cravings Easily, Quickly, Permanently
Shawn C
Do you have a smoking or vaping habit that you want to quit but you're not sure how?
Have you tried quitting before, only to eventually start again?
Are you afraid you'll never be able to stop?
It is very challenging to quit permanently using traditional methods like going "cold turkey", using nicotine replacement therapy like patches and gum, or taking medication like Chantix, which has known negative side effects. Some say smoking and vaping is among one of the most difficult addictions to quit, and there is a reason for that.
Even when I worked for the American Cancer Society as a smoking cessation counselor in their Quitline department, most of the callers who quit would eventually go back to it and would be calling again for help at some point.
The reason for this is because while those methods help alleviate the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal, they do not address and resolve the underlying psychological aka subconscious component of the addiction, which is actually the force that drives the habit and keeps you hooked.
To illustrate this, all nicotine is completely out of your system within 72 hours after your last cigarette, so if that was the key then why is it so difficult to stay quit permanently? This book has the answers.
My Story
I smoked and vaped daily for almost 10 years. For much of that time I consumed close to a pack of cigarettes a day. It was enjoyable for awhile, but I eventually got to the point where I wanted to stop for several reasons.
I made one of my first serious attempts to quit when I was in college in Madison, WI. I started exercising daily by jogging a few miles 3X per week, and then mountain biking to the gym to lift weights on alternating days. I thought for sure this would override the desire to smoke, and it did for a time.
I got into outstanding physical shape, but even after a full year smoke free, I eventually started again when I began dating a smoker. That's all it took to undo an entire year of effort, and I was back to buying cigarettes! Again, if the nicotine itself was the root of the problem this would never happen.
By that time I was absolutely determined to find a way to stop for good. That was when I happened upon a book at the library about human psychology and how the mind works to drive our behaviors. This book claimed to contain powerful techniques that could be used to motivate peak performance, or could be used to de-motivate from any unwanted behaviors or habits.
The Method
The book explained exactly how the images or mental pictures we think about drive our behavior, and how that knowledge can be used to our advantage. I found the information and explanations fascinating. It said that the main component in the formation habits and addictions is repetition of the behavior.
One of the techniques in the book was explained as being useful for reducing and eliminating unwanted habits, and claimed to undo the mechanism by which they are formed. This technique can be used for any habit, so I decided to give it a try and apply it to quitting smoking and vaping, not expecting much honestly.
I began doing this simple technique which takes a few seconds whenever I had a craving to light up. To my surprise, on the third day I noticed that the frequency and intensity of my cravings were decreasing. I also had some nicotine gum in case I needed it, but I was already becoming less interested in that as well.
I kept doing this quick technique consistently each day multiple times per day whenever I felt the urge to smoke, and to my total amazement, I completely lost all desire to smoke or vape in just over one week.
To say that I was astonished would be an understatement, as I had never experienced this feeling before of having no desire to smoke during any previous attempt. Even though I had quit previously, the desire never truly went away.
I simply no longer felt any urge to smoke at any time throughout the day or night, Not even during my normal "trigger" times like after dinner, having a drink at a bar, having morning coffee etc. I also noticed the smell of smoke began to repulse me when someone else lit up around me, whereas previously it was appealing and would make me want one. It all felt effortless too, like the habit just faded away then disappeared.
I have now been smoke and vape free for several years, and have never had another craving since that day, and I owe it all to this method. The best way to describe it is I feel like I did before I ever began smoking and vaping. The thought simply never crosses my mind in any situation. My health has improved a lot, and I am happier and more fit. My family is extremely happy I quit, of course!
Now, I have to tell you about the most unexpected result I experienced:
I did not gain any weight
I always gained weight on every previous quit attempt, as I would replace smoking with eating to overcome the cravings, like most people do when quitting.
Because this method resolves the root cause that drives the habit and craving, I did not feel any need to replace the hand-to-mouth motion of smoking with eating, so instead of gaining weight I actually lost some.
Since weight gain is a major issue for most people trying to quit (which often stops them from trying), it is worth mentioning that there is no other smoking or vaping cessation method, book, or program available that I know of which can claim this benefit. This is just part of what makes this method so unique and powerful.
I have been so impressed by this whole experience that it inspired me to write this book so that I can help others achieve the same results I did. Because of my training in smoking cessation at American Cancer Society and then finding this method and experiencing total success with it, I feel uniquely qualified to write this book and assist others on their journey to quitting.
What You Can Expect
1. Go from smoking/vaping daily to being completely smoke and vape free, without using willpower and without the stress and withdrawal symptoms of stopping cold turkey
2. Never experience a craving again, not even during your normal trigger times
3. Feel better and able to breathe more freely. Have more energy throughout the day and sleep more deeply and soundly at night
4. Feel happier and less anxious as your body and brain gets more oxygen and is more relaxed (nicotine causes vaso-constriction, which is a form of physical stress)
5. Your breath, clothes and vehicle will no longer smell like smoke and your teeth will be whiter
6. No longer have to worry about running out and having to constantly buy more cigarettes or vape cartridges
7. Improved sense of smell and taste. Eating meals will become an amazingly sensory experience
8. Achieve all of the above without gaining any weight. You will likely lose weight using this method!
9. Your family and friends will be so happy that you have finally quit for good
Bonus: This method can be used to quit any type of smoking or vaping habit, not just tobacco or vapes. It works equally well for cannabis, as the mechanism of the addiction is the same for all of them
You Can Do It
Everyone who smokes or vapes will eventually get to the point where they want to quit permanently. As such, if you are wanting to stop you might give it a shot now. Since all of the stresses of traditional methods of quitting are removed using this technique, you will be surprised at how easy this makes it for you.
Making this small investment in your future now will also save you a lot of money not buying cigarettes and vapes, and will also improve your overall health in a multitude of ways. The benefits are immeasurable and inrease as time goes on.
I have purposely underpriced this book as I want to help as many people as possible worldwide. The information and method contained in this book will eventually revolutionize smoking and vaping cessation.
Personal Coaching
For those who would like additional support, I also offer personal coaching and guidance. I can work with you directly via a phone or video call to explain everything you need to know and guide you through the process. You will have unlimited support from me during the process until you have successfully and permanently quit, guaranteed. In my experience this process should take no more than 10 days from start to finish, but everyone is different.
If you would like to include this choose the Ebook + Personal Coaching option at checkout. Once I receive your order I will contact you via email to schedule a call at a time that works best for you.
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